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TMJ/TMD Treatments in Leland, NC

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What Is TMJ/TMD?

Your temporomandibular joint is located close to your ear, between your upper and lower jaw. People with Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD) can experience severe pain or discomfort in Leland, NC that may either be temporary or last for many years. Your dentist at BlueWave Dentistry must perform a complete dental and medical evaluation to properly diagnose TMD. If you experience any of these symptoms, you may be suffering from Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD).

TMJ/TMD Treatments. in Leland, NC

The first line of treatment will typically be the use of a splint or oral appliance. A TMJ splint or oral appliance is worn to reduce the stress on the jaw in Leland, NC. This allows the muscles to function properly and may reposition the lower jaw to fall properly into the TMJ socket.

TMJ appliances are a conservative and reversible treatment option that may provide pain relief. There are many different types of splints and appliances that your dentist can fabricate for you. Your dentist in Leland, NC will complete a clinical examination, use radiographs and your symptoms to help you decide the best treatment for you.

Call BlueWave Dentistry in Leland, NC to schedule a consultation and ask us about our TMD treatment options.

Tips for TMD Relief:

  • Sleep on your back
  • Try to reduce any extra stress
  • Avoid chewing on gum, ice or anything too hard or sticky
  • Avoid caramel, apples, hard or crunchy foods
  • Avoid extreme jaw movements, as much as possible
  • Eat soft foods that don’t require much chewing (yogurt, cottage cheese, soup, scrambled eggs, fish and grains)
  • When you need to yawn, place your fist under your chin and apply upward pressure. This can help keep your mouth from opening too wide.

Occlusal (Night) Guards

A nightguard is the most common treatment option for the symptoms of TMD. Clenching or grinding your teeth at night, can damage the enamel of your teeth beyond repair. A night guard allows you to sleep comfortably, while protecting your teeth from erosive habits. A night guard is a plastic appliance that is professionally made by your dentist at BlueWave Dentistry. The appliance is worn at night and can either be worn on the top or bottom arch. It is designed to protect the teeth from the pressure of clenching and grinding in Leland, NC, by providing a protective cushion between the upper and lower teeth. It is perfect for patients with bruxism (clenching and grinding) and chronic jaw pain. This mouth guard can help relax your jaw and allow you to rest easy. A night guard is a simple, non-invasive, affordable treatment option for protecting your teeth and jaws in Leland, NC from the damaging effects of bruxism.

Migraine, Headaches, Facial Pain, & TMD Therapy

Botulinum toxin injections have proven to be very effective in relieving pain with TMD, reducing bruxism and reducing or even eliminating tension type migraines in Leland, NC. In February 2011, the FDA approved the use of botulinum toxin for chronic migraine and facial pain in Leland, NC as a primary treatment. This highly purified protein has proven to be very effective in pain relief from muscle sources. Some studies suggest that approximately 85% of TMJ and other facial pain disorders are muscle related. Botulinum toxin affects muscles, by decreasing the intensity of muscle contractions. It allows the muscles to still function, but relaxes them just enough to prevent painful contractions.

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